Agency is the ability and freedom for an individual to act in their immediate context or environment.

See also: Tools for Conviviality, agentic computing

Self-Determination Theory (SDT)

When our social environments, including the places where we receive health care, are more supportive of these psychological needs, the quality of our motivation is more autonomous. Alternatively, when our psychological needs are not well met or even thwarted through our social interactions, the quality of our motivation is more controlled

Self-determination theory suggests that all humans have three basic psychological needs, which when met, help us be more intrinsically motivated in our actions (more internal locus of control)

  1. Autonomy: the feeling one has choice and agency in their own lives
  2. Competence: experience of mastery and being effective in one’s activity
  3. Relatedness: need to feel connected and belongingness with others

See also: In Over Our Heads, burnout, taste

In software

4 Principles, Brooklyn Zelenka at Causal Islands

  1. Empower users to participate (entry)
  2. Option to leave (exit)
  3. Control access to your data (safety)
  4. Provide capacity to others (serve)