
Allows us to create a ‘fake’ object that lets us intercept attribute accesses and calls with some funky stuff under the hood.

interface ProxyCallbackOptions {
  path: string[];
  args: unknown[];
type ProxyCallback = (opts: ProxyCallbackOptions) => unknown;
function createRecursiveProxy(callback: ProxyCallback, path: string[]) {
  const proxy: unknown = new Proxy(
    () => {
      // dummy no-op function since we don't have any
      // client-side target we want to remap to
      get(_obj, key) {
        if (typeof key !== 'string') return undefined;
        // Recursively compose the full path until a function is invoked
        return createRecursiveProxy(callback, [...path, key]);
      apply(_1, _2, args) {
        // Call the callback function with the entire path we
        // recursively created and forward the arguments
        return callback({
  return proxy;
  • The get method handles property accesses such as post.byId. The key is the property name we’re accessing, so when we type post our key will be post, and when we type post.byId our key will be byId. The recursive proxy combines all of these keys into a final path, e.g. [“post”, “byId”, “query”], that we can use to determine the URL we want to send a request to.
  • The apply method is called when we invoke a function on the proxy, such as .query(args). The args is the arguments we pass to the function, so when we call post.byId.query(args) our args will be our input, which we’ll provide as query parameters or request body depending on the type of procedure. The createRecursiveProxy takes in a callback function which we’ll map the apply to with the path and args.

Note that we can cast the above unknown proxy to whatever shape we want. In tRPC, this is done by extracting the type from the server and then doing some transformations to get a client type and then casting to that.