Raising funding is just purchasing time to be together
Bounty Model
Paying people set amounts for set tasks.
Bounty model is tough because
- Immediate shared context is required and onboarding new members to do novel work is hard (upfront costs are large)
- Keeping people engaged after the tasks are difficult (no long term sense of investment)
How can we keep individuals engaged with a project on longer term timescales?
- Encouraging individuals to create projects with the technology/ideas
- Through hiring (contractually bound commitment)
Funding individuals/projects/organizations without the expectation of stake. Can be one-time or recurring.
What are the incentives for people to provide grants then? Within web3, a lot of the reason is because of the obsession with profit. Donating to OSS is thereby a way to improve the long term return on their profit/investment. Is this still possible to incentivize grants when the technology/idea itself is not inherently of value (i.e. maybe only has derivative value)?