See also: the-fools-who-dream, independent research
How do we give the tools to people so learn for themselves? To treat growth as if it was play? To me, self-directed growth is the continued exercise of taste
Practical Principles for Self-directed Growth
From Recurse Center
directing yourself means doing things that are motivated by your joy and curiosity, instead of by external pressures and fear
When you have the freedom to explore things you’re interested in, and to explore them in the ways that make sense to you, you learn them more deeply and retain them for longer. When someone forces you to learn something that you’re not interested in, it doesn’t stick nearly as well.
- Work at the edge of your abilities
- Some call this flow:
- Also recognizing that abilities are in flux on a day to day: “On a low day, it’s better to do what you can than to beat yourself up for failing to meet some hypothetical level of productivity that was never actually in reach, and on good days you can push yourself and really get to know the difference between what is impossible and what is just really, really hard.”
- Some call this flow:
- Build your volitional muscles
- Learn generously