A tokenization approach.

To construct a vocab table of size :

  1. Assumes all unique characters to be an initial set of 1-character long n-grams (i.e. initial “tokens”).
  2. Then, successively the most frequent pair of adjacent characters is merged into a new, 2-character long n-gram and all instances of the pair are replaced by this new token.
  3. This is repeated until a vocabulary of size is obtained.

This can also be done recursively where n-grams can use previously created tokens (called recursive BPE).


Given an example sequence aaabdaaabac and a target vocabulary of size 4:

  1. We start with an initial set of n-grams of just the unique characters: [a,b,c,d] and an empty lookup table {}
  2. As the size of our lookup table (0) is still less than the vocab size of 4, we start by finding the most-frequent byte-pair
  3. Within this sequence, aa occurs the most frequently so we replace it with a byte-pair that isn’t in the data (lets say X)
    1. This results in the sequence XabdXabac
    2. We also add this mapping to our lookup table {aa:X}
  4. Then we keep repeating this until we reach a vocab size of 4
  5. The next most frequent byte-pair is ab
    1. This results in the sequence XYdXYac
    2. We also add this mapping to our lookup table {aa:X, ab:Y}
  6. We can technically stop here because all remaining pairs only occur once, or we can do recursive BPE as technically the byte-pair XY occurs twice
    1. This results in the sequence ZdZac
    2. We also add this mapping to our lookup table {aa:X, ab:Y, XY:Z}