
A protocol for peer-to-peer data stores.

  • We made Willow to make running a network together a sustainable practice.
  • We made Willow to reconcile peer-to-peer networks with social realities. Wrangling the complexity of distributed systems shouldn’t mean we trade away basic features like deletion, or accept data structures which can only grow without limit.


  • As many of these stores as you want, keyed to different namespaces. When stores from different devices belong to the same namespace, they deterministically sync with each other.
  • Private and end-to-end encrypted. Other users can’t find out what you’re interested in unless they already know about it themselves.
  • Total delete via prefix pruning (essentially cutting a tree of causal dependencies by trimming down to root and marking that with a single tombstone). Destructive edits. When you update a value, the old values and associated metadata are overwritten.
  • Fine grained access control. Restrict read and write access by semantically meaningful ranges of data, or time range.
  • Peers can communicate resource budgets, so devices with very limited memory can sync too.

Data Model


Willow is a system for giving meaningful, hierarchical names to arbitrary sequences of bytes (called payloads).

For any given subspace, you can address payloads via paths (e.g. blog/idea/1 and blog/idea/2).

  • Entries can be overwritten by more recent entries (Willow tracks timestamps and deletes actually delete everything except the metadata)
  • Deletes are hierarchical (e.g. deleting blog will delete all of tis subpaths).
    • This is called prefix pruning

Entries live in separate subspace owned by different users (intuitively, each user writes to their own, separate universe of data. Willow allows for various ways of controlling who gets to write to which subspace)

Interestingly, namespaces can also be aggregated into namespaces.

Some types

  • Payload: at most bytes
  • Entry: metadata for a payload
    • NamespaceId: keys namespaces
    • SubspaceID: keys subspaces
    • Path: parametrized by
      • max_component_length: max length for a path segment
      • max_component_count: max path segments in a path
      • max_path_length: overall limit for size of path
    • Timestamp: time in microseconds since Unix epoch time
    • payload_length
    • PayloadDigest: content addressing for a payload
      • calculated from hash_payload(payload) -> hash: maps Payload to PayloadDigest

An entry e1 is newer than an entry e2 if:

  1. e2.timestamp < e1.timestamp or
  2. e2.timestamp == e1.timestamp && e2.payload_digest < e1.payload_digest or
  3. e2.timestamp == e1.timestamp && e2.payload_digest == e1.payload_digest && e2.payload_length < e1.payload_length


  • AuthorisationToken: proving write permission
  • is_authorized_write(entry, token) -> bool: maps a path and token to whether that token proves a valid permission to write to entry
  • PossiblyAuthorisedEntry is a pair of an Entry and an AuthorisationToken
  • AuthorisedEntry is a PossiblyAuthorisedEntry for which is_authorised_write returns true

Stores are collection of AuthorisedEntry:

  • All Entry have the same NamespaceId
  • An invariant such that an Entry a cannot both a prefix of another Entry b and a be newer than b
    • That is, updating blog will invalidate blog/abc (is this true?)

A join of two stores is obtained by:

  • Start with the union of the two stores
  • Remove all Entry e1 where there is some Entry e2 such that
    1. e2.path is a parent of e1.path and
    2. e2 is newer than e1
  • For all Entry with the same SubspaceID, Path, and Timestamp, remove them all except for the one with the greatest PayloadDigest
  • For all Entry with the same SubspaceID, Path, Timestamp, and PayloadDigest, remove them all except for the one with the greatest payload_length

Stores form a state-based CRDT under the join operation.

Grouping Entries


An application might want to access all chess games that a certain author played in the past week. This kind of query corresponds to a box in the three-dimensional Willow space.

There are one-dimensional queries called ranges which work along SubspaceId, Path, or Timestamp

A 3dRange is a 3-tuple of ranges across all three dimensions:

struct 3dRange
  subspaces: SubspaceRange
  paths: PathRange
  times: TimeRange

Sync Protocol



  • Incremental sync: peers can detect regions of shared data with relatively sparse communication to avoid redundant data transfer
  • Partial sync: peers synchronise only those regions of data they both care about
  • Private area intersection: peers can discover common interests without disclosing any non-shared information to each other
  • Resource control: peers communicate (and enforce) their computational resource limits so as not to overload each other
  • Transport independence
  • General efficiency: peers can make use of efficient implementation techniques, and the overall bandwidth consumption stays low