
What makes RNG “good”?

  • Fair statistical distribution
  • Low degree of repetition (more correct: a statistically correct degree of repetition)
  • High theoretical maximum (best-case) repeat period
  • High guaranteed minimum (worst-case) repeat period: crucially should be about ~million-billion range
  • Seedable with a nice range of seeds: we don’t want seeds that limit us to only odd numbers or only large primes
  • Fast warm up: some popular RNGs have pretty terrible initial values!
  • Platform independence: behaviour should be consistent across platforms
  • Deterministic: the same seed should lead to the same results
  • Speed: we may want to be able to generate lots of numbers, fast!
  • Parallelism: is it thread safe?

Why not use rand()?

  • Only gives us 15-bits of random numbers (range is )
  • Not very fast!
  • Not very good, statistically speaking
  • Global state which is bad for multi-threading!

What RNG should we use?


  1. Scale by prime S
  2. Modulus by prime M
uint32_t m_state = 1337; // initial seed
uint32_t S = 0x0000BC8F;
uint32_t M = 0x7FFFFFF;
uint32_t LcgParkMiller::Rand() {
	m_state = (m_state * S) % M;
	return m_state;

Problem: can get stuck at 0 if the seed is bad

MCGs (Mixed Congruential Generator)

  1. Scale by prime S
  2. Add bias B
  3. Modulus by prime M
uint32_t m_state = 1337; // initial seed
uint32_t S = 0x0019660D;
uint32_t M = 0x3C6EF35F;
uint32_t M = 0x7FFFFFF;
uint32_t LcgParkMiller::Rand() {
	m_state = (m_state * S + B) % M;
	return m_state;

Xor shifting

  1. Bit-shift around and xor with yourself a few times
uint32_t m_state = 1337; // initial seed
uint32_t xorshift1::Rand() {
	m_state ^= (m_state << 13);
	m_state ^= (m_state >> 17);
	m_state ^= (m_state << 5);
	return m_state;

Noise functions

  • Order independent RNG!
  • Infinite table: put an index in, get a random float or number back out
    • 1-D function: index is a single number
    • 2-D function: index is a pair of numbers
    • N-D function: index is an n-tuple
  • Totally pure: noise = mungeAndMangleBits(position)
  • Can actually use hash functions for this
    • crc32, Murmur , Squirrel3, and std::hash are all very good and fast
    • md5 and sha1 are good but slow (cryptographically sound)

n-D noise from 1D noise function

Basically munge the coordinates together my multiplying by a large prime number with non-boring bits. Be careful to make sure that the primes are magnitudes apart!

uint32_t Get3DNoise(int x, int y, int z, uint32_t seed) {
	constexpr int PRIME1 = 198491317;
	constexpr int PRIME2 = 6542989;
	return Get1DNoise(x + (PRIME1 * y) + (PRIME2 * z), seed);