Page layout is the art of manipulating a user’s attention on a page to convey meaning, sequence, and point of interaction.
- Upper-left-corner preference
- Whitespace
- Contrasting fonts
- the bigger and bolder, the more important the info
- Contrasting foreground and background colours
- eg. putting white text on a black background
- Positioning, alignment, and indenting
- indented text is subordinate to whatever’s above it
- Graphics like lines, boxes, coloured bars
- things in a box or group go together
- Flow
- remember tendency to read top-to-bottom and left-to-right (at least, in the west)
- focal point: spots your eyes can’t resist going to
- tend to follow them from strongest to weakest
- better pages only have a few — having too many dilutes the importance
- meaning and context play a big part in visual flow → perceived meaning of page content will change where the user chooses to look
- proximity: put things close together, and viewers will associate them with one another
- similarity: if two things are the same shape, size, color, or orientation, then viewers will also associate them with each other
- continuity: our eyes want to see continuous lines and curves formed by the alignment of smaller elements
- closure: want to see simple closed forms, like rectangles and blobs of whitespace, that aren’t explicitly drawn for us