See also: rendering, imaging, illumination, colour, GLSL

Coordinate Frames

Let be the original basis and be the new basis


  • is , how to transform the coordinate
    • is how much of we need to make one
    • is how much of we need to make one
  • is , how to transform the coordinate
    • is how much of we need to make one
    • is how much of we need to make one
  • is , the translation of the entire frame
    • is how much of we need to get from to
    • is how much of we need to get from to

The translation from to can be represented as

Transformation Matrices

  • Translate(x,y,z)
  • Rotate(z,theta)
  • Scale(x,y,z)

See also: homography


  1. Object Coordinate System: modeling transformation
  2. World Coordinate System: viewing transformation
  3. Viewing Coordinate System (Camera): projection transformation
  4. Clipping Coordinate System: /h
  5. Normalized Device Coordinate System (NDCS): viewport transformation
  6. Device Coordinate System

In a scene hierarchy, the Camera Coordinate Frame () is generally the root.

Transformations in scene graphs are written right to left, starting with source frame and ending with target frame.

Viewing Transformation

  • Defined using
    • eye point
    • target point
    • up vector