Qualia is the Latin plural for the singular “quale” (quality). Often known as the subjective, conscious experience, or phenomenal properties.
Examples of qualia include the perceived sensation of pain of a headache, the taste of wine, as well as the redness of an evening sky
Traditionally have second-order properties
- Ineffable (indescribable)
- Intrinsic (atomic, unanalyzable, cannot be split into constituent observations)
- Private (no interpersonal comparisons)
- Directly apprehended (not mediated by thought, inference)
Source: Nameless Feeling in Real Life Mag
Neural networks just assess vibes, they are the literal technical implementation of “no thoughts, just vibes”.
Vibes are very similar to the approximations machine learning systems use. Both suffer from Goodhart’s Law
On context-less data: Like vibes, these metrics carry no context or narrative; they can tell you nothing about how or why something might be desirable
Is intentionality derivative with vibes/qualia too?